2023 Program February - September
EVOKE workshops LISTON
Felt Like It - Megan Pascoe
Join us in this magical Journey where we will take a piece of fluff,
add some water and soap, toss it around a bit and create beautiful
unique felted pieces. Watch how the fibres are transformed into
fabric. We will be using soft merino fibres, adding some fibres from
different breeds, silk and plant fibres, and some fabrics too! Play
with a range of techniques, with each technique building on
previous ones. Be inspired to experiment and create in this ancient
and versatile craft of Wet Felting.
Memories, Thoughts & Dreams - Erica Hammond
Be open to explore mono printing, collage, eco dyeing, stitching
and upcycling. Communicate emotions, experiences, feelings into a
book of your memories. Finding new skills, recalling past artistic
influences and ideas, then bringing them all together in a
repurposed book. Almost a junk journal, but not quite. Relax and
slip into the creative process, which could enhance or reinvigorate
your artistic outlet.
RE: fashista - Denise N. Rall
Use a pre-loved garment to create a piece of WEARABLE ART.
We concentrate on decorating upper body garments (jackets,
vests, and blouses) as they can be pinned up on a mannequin, but
any piece of clothing can be embellished, including hats, scarfs,
and etc. Basic sewing machine skills and hand-sewing and/or
knitting skills. It is best to start a makeover on an op-shop jacket or
blouse first, to develop ideas before re-fashioning a precious garment.
Myths, Legends & Fairytales - Dianne Rissler
A journey through cloth dollmaking, invoking the magic of childhood
memories. Story-telling fun with fabric, colour and embellishment.
Playing with textiles old and new to create doll figures and soft
sculpture. Basic sewing machine skills and hand sewing recommended.
Scroll Journey - Liz Powell
The Japanese scroll was traditionally a vehicle to journey along the
landscape depicted by the artist, unrolling from one side to the
other as we travelled. This workshop is about mapping a personal
narrative/journey and/or geography in a scroll format. It may be an
autobiography, a personal map of friends, a journey from your back
door to your water tank or your garden, around your town, around
your favourite place, somewhere else.
We will be using paper with mixed media, printing, stitching,
drawing, collage and above all experimenting. In a preliminary
meeting we will talk about the kind of things to collect and gather as
personal reference material for the workshop
Woodland Fantasy - Kay Gray
I will take you on a journey of exploring the amazing world of colour
from plants. We aim to create a woodland fantasy dolls dressed in
natural dyed fabric, and wall hangings from silk and wool. Think
large, colourful and creative installation pieces.
Botanical Art - Nola Sindel
An introduction to the workshops: Botanical Art – what is it?
- A brief run-down of the course, expectations and materials
View some examples of placement and composition. These include
drawings based on rule of third, diagonals, triangular format etc
Examples could include flower plus leaves or bud, out-of-focus
backgrounds indicating distance i. Use either photocopy or traced images
of each part and move around to form a pleasing composition Botanical
Art: ii. Make a rough drawing on layout paper or tracing paper iii. Place a
second piece of tracing paper over initial drawing and fine tune it.
Mud Play - Kylie Heidrich
Mud Play is about exploring clay and alternative firing techniques. We will
use a variety of clay bodies including 'wild clay' to handbuild various
vessels and forms from our own sketches and personal concepts. These
pieces will be prepared for firing with organic materials which will produce
different effects and colourings from the wood pit firings. Join Kylie for a
journey of experimentation, exploration and messy fun at her studio in
EVOKE workshops DRAKE
Time Is A Traveller - Michael Burge
Writing evocative ballads with Michael Burge
From bush poetry to song lyrics and beyond, this exploration of
ballad writing will assist poetry beginners (and those with a bit of
experience) get to grips with how to tell stories using words, rhyme,
verse and effective narrative structure. We’ll go back to the classics
(and some more recent work) for a look at the ways poetry works,
and how we can apply similar engaging elements in our work. Over
the course of the workshop series, participants will develop their
own ballad, either an original or a re-purposed work.
Paper Celebration - Nadine Blackler and Cherie Sutcliffe
Imagine a wall of 1000 white origami cranes, gracefully falling in
columns, and intertwined with gently flickering fairy lights and
tables dressed in golden cloth with arrangements of various sized
paper flowers. The wedding scene or celebration is a journey that
Nadine and Cherie will take you on, exploring origami and paper craft.
Textile Collage - Mary-Ann Svenson
Weave – print and stitch. Learn to weave on a ridge heddle loom
and then add to a textile collage. Explore mono printing and play
with fabric layers and embellish with small stitching. No experience necessary.
Hatchings - Louise Kear
Connect to nature and yourself using a mixed media approach.
See what emerges from exploring colours and textures in
your scrap journal.